NIH has created the NIH StrokeNet to conduct small and large clinical trials and research studies to advance acute stroke treatment, stroke prevention, and recovery and rehabilitation following a stroke across the lifespan. This network of 27 regional centers across the U.S., which involves approximately 500 hospitals in the U.S., is designed to serve as the infrastructure and pipeline for exciting new potential treatments for patients with stroke and those at risk for stroke. The StrokeNet trials also collaborate with sites in other countries including Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, and Japan. In addition, NIH StrokeNet will provide an educational platform for stroke physicians, clinical trial coordinators and stroke researchers.


The Canadian Stroke Consortium is the national professional association for physicians interested in stroke. Our associate members are colleagues who represent other disciplines involved in stroke prevention and treatment. Together, we are committed to reducing the burden of stroke through the translation of clinical research into clinical practice.


The Global Cardiovascular Research Funders Forum (GCRFF) was established in 2021 as a forum for dialogue and collaboration between major international cardiovascular research funders. The mission of the group is to advance global cardiovascular health by catalyzing, supporting, and promoting transformational international research efforts in heart, stroke, and circulatory diseases. A sub-group of GCRFF members has also been formed to facilitate the coordination of multinational clinical trials. The group aims to help researchers in different countries collaborate on plans and coordinate funding applications for ambitious global clinical trials, that might not be feasible in a single country or with support from a single funder.


American Heart Association

The American Heart Association is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. Founded by six cardiologists in 1924, our organization now includes more than 22.5 million volunteers and supporters. We fund innovative research, fight for stronger public health policies, and provide critical tools and information to save and improve lives. Our nationwide organization includes 156 local offices and more than 3,000 employees. We moved our national headquarters from New York to Dallas in 1975 to be more centrally located. The American Stroke Association was created as a division in 1997 to bring together the organization’s stroke-related activities.


World Stroke Organization

The World Stroke Organization (WSO) is the world’s leading organization in the fight against stroke. It was established in October 2006 through the merger of the International Stroke Society and the World Stroke Federation with the purpose of creating one world voice for stroke. Today, WSO has more than 4000 individual members and over 60 society members from 85 different countries.


Randomised trials provide the best evidence supporting new treatments for stroke. Stroke research networks improve patient access to new treatments and increase completion of randomised trials. The European Stroke Organisation Trials Alliance (ESOTA) is an international European ‘network of networks’ to support stroke randomised trials in Europe. ESOTA supports stroke research collaboration, education, communication and advocacy in Europe.  The main focus is on randomised clinical trials in stroke acute care, prevention and recovery.  Via membership of ESOTA, clinician-scientists will be more easily able to identify European collaborators to participate in randomised trials, leading to improved treatments for patients. The management of trials is not performed by ESOTA, but remains with individual investigators and their teams.